Monday, June 4, 2018

Bipartisan proposal to improve public sector help with inclusion and social acceptance in nondisabled (temporarily able-bodied) society

  Republicans presume high self-motivation in all people with disabilities.  If a person with a disability is not self-motivated it’s an individual problem that Republican politicians don’t want to help pay to fix.  Republican-passed state, local and federal budgets don’t appropriate and authorize enough money to fund (examples from last 25 years)
  block grants,

 premium support (2018 outgoing Budget Committee chairman and House Speaker Paul Ryan medicare privatization attempt of 2011-2013),

‘money follows person’ meme to spend medicaid LTSS money in HCBS settings to end the ‘institutional bias’ to funding nursing homes (RTC)


'Ticket to Work' individual funding to 'Employment Networks' as job development funding for people with disabilities.

   The inadequate appropriated and authorized funding levels, in omnibus year-end funding bills to avoid government shutdowns (except Oct 2013 and Jan 2018) only give ongoing funding inadequately adjusted for inflation because of how inflation rates are calculated. 

  Democratic elected officials (demonized and delegitimized as ‘politicians’) are more willing to help pay to fix Independent Living problems people with disabilities live with and attempt to solve at savagely unequal rates of good life outcomes.  The ‘big data’ sampling and ‘number crunching’ to attack the basis for my conclusion of inequality starting when people are left ’on their own’ without government assistance is a change of subject.  Stick to the ‘big picture’ I am ‘using my words’ to ‘draw.’ 

  But Democratic budget appropriations and authorizations have regulations that, when enforced, can tend to be judgmental or paternalistic and don’t respect high self-motivation if the person with a disability has it.  Lack of respect for individual self-motivation results from a bureaucratic imperative to prevent ‘waste, fraud and abuse’ that fills IE group and campaign committee negative 'election season' ads, to replace the executive and legislative branch elected officials who appoint and confirm the supervisors of the civil servants, each election cycle.  Those confirmed supervisors hire the 'nonpolitical' civil service/public/government employees.  

  The ads can be posted online and shared between social media accounts to shift distribution costs from tv and radio purchases to paying 'digital' or 'social' media staff to purchase displays of ads from social media platform owners.  The social media platform owners and the campaign committee staff then identify real peoples’ social media accounts and target them with the algorithm-based ad purchases on social media web sites the targeted individuals receive free hosting from.  Individuals use social media to share parts of their lives more easily than remembering to email ‘everyone they know’ about ‘how they are doing’ at one ‘point in time’ usually the year-end holiday season.

  Republican politicians try to use low self-motivation as a reason to spend less tax dollars to help and blame individuals for their own problems if low self-motivation is an issue ‘holding someone back.” Combine Democratic Party adequate funding levels with Republican Party higher regard for individual initiative. 

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