The pace of progressive social change to accept, include, accommodate and pay the costs, that individuals cannot pay, in the disability rights movement is savagely unequal. Those left desperately behind post and say mean things (lash out)
to those whose 'life journeys' living with a disability have a better quality of life. Confidentiality conceals the inequities.
One such instance of 'lashing out' was in this column by @tclementsuk on twitter. Fruatration led to a personal attack on Ari Ne'eman and Steve Silberman by @autismgadfly an online 'friend' or 'follower' on twitter of @tclementsuk. The attack was pushed back on here and here.
The second link above, from, tried to break down the opponents of the idea of 'neurodiversity' into several groups. The two groups below
3. The “severe” autism lobby, those promoting a false dichotomy of “mild” and “severe” autism, which primarily leans on the falsehood that non-speaking autistics are severely intellectually disabled. They dehumanize non-speakers by perpetuating misinformed assumptions about their competence and by positing that those with intellectual disability are incapable of self-advocacy or are less human.
4. The anti-neurodiversity movement, many of whose members have been called the “Autistic Dark Web,” a troupe of people who are mostly regarded as trolls and are most visible on Twitter. These people claim that the #ActuallyAutistic/Neurodiversity Movement is full of “social justice warriors” from the far left who want to turn autism into an issue of “identity politics.”
very well might represent families and friends of people with severe autism who have not progressed as far 'down the path' to full inclusion, acceptance and accommodation in their individually chosen commnunities. Bad public policy in national, provincial and local governments that inadequately publicizes, funds and delivers LTSS in HCBS is the variable that the 'alt right' or 'autistic dark web' ignores because they don't support a role of government in peoples' lives to help people beyond police, courts and military to protect property and life (in that order). Confidentiality conceals the inequities and inequalities and prevents the 'scientifically valid' data gathering and sampling.
Ari Ne'eman and Steve Silberman were the two people attacked and Ari 'laughed off' the 'trifecta of evil' insult with this tweet deleted since February 2020.
Ari Ne'eman further tried to 'laugh off' the attack by joking about his trouble finding a Middle Eastern (including Israeli) food to his liking.
This tweet is one
of the few in the February 16, 2020 thread that hasn't been deleted.
Pace of change battles between people who feel they have a worse 'quality of life' who attack those they feel have a better 'quality of life' emerge a lot on social media. Demands to replace the Affordable Care Act with Medicare for all expanded in benefits and payment rates instead of a 'public option' to buy expanded Medicare instead of private for-profit health insurance are one example. Demands for free college or a return to more aid that isn't in the form of repayable loans are another public policy example. People in the 'alt right' or 'autistic dark web' might represent people left behind in the pace of positive social change. Confidentiality prevents the data-gathering of numbers of people actually helped by activist social movements like the disability rights movement informed by 'neurodiversity.' Being left behind in the progress of positive social change makes individuals vulnerable to extreme right wing political/economic ideologies that have prejudice and hate at their core. This article is a great read to move the focus back to systemic economics and politics and away from bigoted individuals attacking other individuals in words or with physical weapons.
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