Monday, December 31, 2018

From stem cell research to CRISPR fiscal intersectionality is more important than social forms of intersectionality

    ASAN founder and former president, until 2017, Ari Ne'eman was one of 63 nominees confirmed in 2010 after anonymous holds were released.  

   The hold releases likely followed individual nominee meetings with Senators to address concerns that somehow never were addressed in committee confirmation hearings. 

 In this link that died by 2015

Earlier today, after several months' delay due to an anonymous hold placed by one or more Senators, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network president Ari Ne'eman was unanimously confirmed to the National Council on Disability, along with at least 63 other nominations that had holds placed on them.  Out of all of President Obama's nominees for the National Council on Disability, Ne'eman was the only one who was not immediately confirmed to his appointment, one of the youngest ever to be appointed to a presidential advisory council, and the first diagnosed autistic to be appointed to the NCD.  The National Council on Disability makes recommendations to the President and Congress on disability issues and policies, and it has been speculated by some that Ne'eman's insistence that autism should be accepted and embraced as a part of the individual's identity rather than viewed as a "disease" to be "cured" was the impetus behind the anonymous hold, which was lifted just as anonymously.  Others have noted that Autism Speaks has been rather vocal in their opposition to his appointment, and their founders, Bob and Suzanne Wright, have been significant campaign contributors for several years to at least 5 US Senators.  It has also been confirmed that Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo, secured enough votes to change the Senate rules so that anonymous holds are now no longer permitted.  Should this occur in the future, it will be known exactly who has placed the hold, and the public will be able to demand answers.

where the content had been posted by

Marc Rosen
Long Island Autism Examiner

Marc Rosen is a Dowling College graduate, autistic rights advocate, and autistic. His first article back in 2007, about how autistic people don't want to be "normal", illustrated seldom-discussed prejudices which began his fight for autistic rights. Marc is devoted to ensuring a better future for autistic people through his work on, as well as by providing educational advocacy services in the greater Long Island area. He also makes various speaking appearances to talk about the concerns of the autistic population.

   Rosen speculated the founders of Autism Speaks had donated to 5 (unnamed by Rosen) Senators.  Rosen speculated that one of the 5 senators could have placed the hold.  Concerns over what 'cure' meant (a broad or narrow concept) by applying new technologies from stem cell research may have motivated the hold and the Senator (former Senator Claire McCaskill), who by whipping up the votes to eliminate the legislative tactic, may have tacitly revealed she placed the hold.  The prior relationship between Claire McCaskill and Michael J Fox, that resulted in Fox's consent to use video of himself in a campaign ad testifying to demand more money for stem cell research on neurological conditions, may have been the bigger 'influencer' in placing the hold, if former Senator Claire McCaskill indeed placed it, as well as preventing future senators from having the anonymous hold option.

    The confirmations come after news earlier this week that Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., secured the votes to change the Senate rules to bar holds from being placed anonymously.

  Any campaign donor influence from Bob and Suzanne Wright, founders of Autism Speaks with CEO pay from NBC Universal before the Comcast merger in 2010, was likely a lesser 'influencer.'    

 Ne'eman is in 2019 at work on a book about the history of disability in America as well as working for the ACLU and @mysupportworks a private business (twitter account @mysupportworks) that expedites Medicaid waivers to pay for LTSS in HCBS in California, 

New York,

and Virginia


In New York and Virginia, probably to comply with state or federal medicaid regulations, guardians for the person with a disability are allowed to manage the user account to communicate with support workers.

  If a person with a disability needs a guardian/caregiver to manage the support services that person with a disability is an individual manifestation of what the NYU 'Ransom Notes' ad campaign was marketing its services based on.  The NYU Child Study Center "Ransom Notes" ad campaign was based on parental fears of who their child with a disability could 'grow up' into - life with a disability severe enough that they couldn't 'take care of' themselves.  Not finding a way to continue advocating, perhaps by donations of some of its profits to nonprofit (NGO) self-advocacy organizations to help advocate for a reintroduced CLASS Act or Disability Integration Act with regulations that allow inclusion in medicaid eligibility for individuals without 'intense needs' (formerly known as 'low functioning') such as individuals with situated functioning (formerly known as 'higher functioning') issues is almost as unethical, on the part of, as the NYU "Ransom Notes' marketing campaign. 

 No other states than California, New York and Virginia have contracted with @mysupportworks to solve the 'institutional bias' problem that the CLASS Act fixed nationally, before its 2011 repeal, and the Disability Integration Act, if reintroduced, could fix for all Americans with disabilities poor enough and impaired severely enough to qualify for Medicaid. 

   In August 2020 Ari Ne'eman and several founding partners of mysupportworks sold its platform to Rise Services.  The DSP (direct service provider) and Medicaid beneficiary matching service mysupportworks changed its name to   Less student loan debt for Ari to pay off for his PhD program if tuition wasn't privately paid by scholarships and personal savings. Depending on Rise Services qualifying for a Medicaid Home care waiver in the state Ari and his spouse live in the platform sale possibly allows his spouse Rabbi Ruti Regan to have supports, as parents with disabilities, raising their child together. 

  Now former Senator Claire McCaskill D-MO, who lost her reelection to R-MO Josh Hawley (former Attorney General) in Nov 2018 likely placed the anonymous hold and vote-whipping to change the rule to eliminate the procedural tactic to promote open and accountable governance procedures (political populism) was likely a face-saving gesture.  New Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was able to defeat Claire McCaskill despite his AG record of joining a multi-state lawsuit seeking to overturn the ACA ban on pre-existing condition exclusions after the 2017 #Trumptaxscam repealed the tax penalty for not buying a qualified health insurance policy with or without an APTC (subsidy) on private, state or federal exchanges. 

   By the end of 2018 a federal District Court declared the ACA unconstitutional.  Appeals up the federal court system could overturn the ACA and render over 30 million more people as uninsured as they were before their enrollments since mostly 2013.  A supreme court decision, on a case orally argued Nov 10, 2020, was released in June 2021 that rejected the case for lack of standing of the plaintiff.  The ACA is still vulnerable to another challenge if plaintiff lawyers can shop for another plaintiff with standing in a jurisdiction with a corporate-friendly judge. 

  Originally posted at this link as dead as 2018 will be as it ends

and retrieved at this link that also no longer links to the original article I again 'bore' anyone reading this blog post with a copy and paste of content that formerly loaded.  "Anything posted on the internet" is only "online forever" if someone else saved the content offline and re-published the content somewhere else. 

Limbaugh mocks Michael J. Fox political ad

Conservative talk show host accuses actor of faking Parkinson's disease
By David Montgomery
The Washington Post

Updated: 2:05 a.m. ET Oct 25, 2006
Possibly worse than making fun of someone's disability is saying that it's imaginary. That is not to mock someone's body, but to challenge a person's guts, integrity, sanity.

To Rush Limbaugh on Monday, Michael J. Fox looked like a faker. The actor, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has done a series of political ads supporting candidates who favor stem cell research, including Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin, who is running against Republican Michael Steele for the Senate seat being vacated by Paul Sarbanes.

"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease," Limbaugh told listeners. "He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

Limbaugh, whose syndicated radio program has a weekly audience of about 10 million, was reacting to Fox's appearance in another one of the spots, for Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill, running against Republican Sen. James M. Talent.


   Actor Michael J. Fox made an ad in the 2006 election cycle for Claire McCaskill and also made ads in the 2008 election cycle for Congressmember and since 2016 US Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL).

  Temporarily stopping medications to show the symptoms (or traits) of Parkinson's Disease as a messaging tactic, to advocate the election of legislators/lawmakers/'politicians' who will vote to appropriate and authorize more funding to solve the individual problems that individuals need the 'role of government' to help solve, is what Republican syndicated radio show creator Rush Limbaugh (Limberger as his politics stink like that type of cheese) mocked in order to persuade his radio listeners to vote for more Republicans in local, state and mostly federal elections.  
Parkinson's Disease can be treated with medications that people suffering from it need insurance to help pay for as well as future treatments that relieve symptoms/traits long enough that a person starts to regard themselves (and others regard them) as 'cured.' 

    Ari Ne'eman built his activism career pushing back against 'worst case scenario' messaging tactics to socially include people with the disability of autism.  Michael J Fox stopping his medications to show the worst symptoms/traits of Parkinson's disease were 'worst case scenario' messaging tactics to advocate for help paying the costs of living with lifelong chronic neurological conditions. 
  What are called "stereotypes" of autism are actually autistics left behind in the pace of positive social change that has not been equitable enough to give the most impaired people the help they need.  The problem with the "social constructionist" model of disability preference over the medical model of disability shows in the unequal pace of positive social change that has resulted in autistics left behind in progress toward inclusion disrupting 1 autistic-operated self advocacy organization (

(restricted group readers need yahoo account and list serve membership to read private content start of thread in image below)

 Autistics Association of Greater Washington (formerly called the Asperger Adults of Greater Washington is one of many organizations that participated in a 2016 National Summit of Autistic-Operated Self-Advocacy Organizations.  It was held on November 20-21, 2016 at 2013 H St, NW (former HQ of ASAN before they moved to 1010 VT ave, NW suite 618).
   The organizations that accepted leader invitations to participate in the Summit focus too much on individual, self-paced, improvement and not enough on systemic improvement (demands for more money to pay the costs that individuals cannot pay themselves) to do more good for more individuals more quickly.  

    All the person 'disrupting' (showing the inequality of progress toward inclusion leading the person left behind to 'lash out' desperately) was to be asked introductory 'small talk'/'getting to know you' questions that didn't relate to paid work.  

 From:  Tyrone [redacted by post author]
<[email address redacted by post author]>
Date: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1;25 PM

Subject: Re: [AS] Re: Tonight’s Drama

A concern I have is people PREJUDGING others. In the DC area people typically ask questions such as what do you do for work.  I get asked where do you work.  Is it too much for ask for people not to make assumptions, such as inquiring, bugging me about where I work?  Also please do not Assume, I go to the meetings looking for a date.  These are my concerns and I would appreciate it, if you guys would show respect.  There were two people on the last Sat. meeting that really prejudge me.  I expect for this behavior stop, before I call names out.  Thank you.

Tyrone [redacted]

   The person 'disrupting' by 'raising their voice' also stated a need for transportation assistance to see a romantic interest ("girlfriend").   The desperation led to the person being escorted out of the meeting venue (Teaism restaurant that allows use of space in return for attendees creating an increase in food sales revenue for 2 hours).  Rustedaspie, the author of this post, witnessed the March 13, 2013 meeting disruption and writes from personal memory of the experience supported by relevant list serve posts (anonymized for confidentiality).  

Subject: [AS] Tonight's Drama
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2013, 10:08 PM

In the roughly four and a half years I have been attending AAGW support group meetings I have found our group to be a wonderful resource for sharing the highs and lows of being an Aspie. I've found it to be a wonderfully supportive resource and I hope others have seen it in the same light.

Tonight, however, I do not believe that it worked in its intended capacity. Tonight we had a member who was upset seemingly about a lot of things and, in my opinion, inappropriately took it out on other members of the group.  believe that this group is an acceptable place to be mad and frustrated, believe me there is much in this world for an Aspie to be frustrated about. Our group is not a place insult or disparage other members. In my opinion, I know that I, and the majority of members of our group hold themselves that standard and I believe that I was doing so this evening.

However, I know that some may believe that I did not act in that manner. To the member who was very upset, I am terribly sorry if you feel I acted in that way. Believe me, I was never laughing at you or making fun of you. I genuinely wanted to help provide some guidance with your struggles (which I and the rest of our group have shared). I was deeply hurt when the word "evil" was used to describe me. I was never laughing at anybody's pain, I would never do that. Instead I was trying to project myself in a way that would reduce the tension, I am sorry that failed.

We have all been where you are before but as the famous internet video says "it does get better." Unfortunately, I believe that today was difficult for our group to have a productive session. There are no magic bullets to dealing with all of our issues, sometimes, what it really takes is time, patience, and a willingness to look at things in a new perspective (I know this last one is very difficult for me too). 

I hope that you are okay, that you made it home safely, and that you are not planning or taken any rash actions. If you come back I know that you will find an open and accepting forum. In fact, if you do come back I will purchase you the beverage of your choice, be it tea, a soft drink, or (if you are of legal age) a beer. If you don't want that, at least let me shake your hand.

Mar 17, 2013

After Saturday's meeting I accompanied the distressed member part way home on Metro. We had a good conversation and exchanged contact information. We parted ways feeling positive and with plans to meet up again.

The practice of saying "Thanks for sharing" and NO CROSSTALK after comments is a good one. I have also attended ACA [Adult Children of Alcoholics] support groups.

Thank you all for sharing!

Mar 17, 2013

Glad to hear that he's fine. Having had the night [t]o reflect, I believe that the best way to avoid issues like this is or all of us to assume that feedback is meant with good intentions, not bad. Yes, I can seem harsh and blunt, but I think one of us (I know I get this way) have a hard time even with constructive comments. So, perhaps the group should have an "assume good faith policy."

   Leaders of autistic-run self advocacy organizations also fail to see individual member problems as individual manifestations of systemic problems.  

On Mar 20, 2013 at 4:17PM
linda[redacted by post author]@[redacted by post author] wrote:

I noticed that no one who commented on how the meeting[s] are supposed to go came from anyone on the Board.  If nothing else, watching how this unfolds is rather enlightening.


——Original Message——

Sent: Wed, Mar 20, 2013 3:34 PM
Subject: For AAGW Board/Officers only

Hi Chuck, Linda, Jon, Alex and Stan,


I missed the March and February meetings but have been in touch with Chuck and Alex about Saturday evening’s meeting.  It’s likely that the person who had the meltdown on Saturday night is Tyrone [redacted].  Tyrone joined our e-mail group in May 2012.  In June 2012 I put Tyrone on moderation --i.e., started screening his e-mails — after Tyrone started using the e-mail group to solicit dates. At the time I warned Tyrone that he should not to use our e-mail group as a dating service. 

On Monday Tyrone sent the following post; I haven’t published it on our discussion list:

From:  Tyrone [redacted]
<[redacted email address]>
Date: Mon Mar 18, 2013 1;25 PM

Subject: Re: [AS] Re: Tonight’s Drama

A concern I have is people PREJUDGING others. In the DC area people typically ask questions such as what do you do for work.  I get asked where do you work.  Is it too much for ask for people not to make assumptions, such as inquiring, bugging me about where I work?  Also please do not Assume, I go to the meetings looking for a date.  These are my concerns and I would appreciate it, if you guys would show respect.  There were two people on the last Sat. meeting that really prejudge me.  I expect for this behavior stop, before I call names out.  Thank you.

Tyrone [redacted]

I am very concerned that Tyrone will disrupt our April and other future meetings.  Chuck mentioned that Earl “Baltimore Buck” -- who is helpful and compassionate -- took Tyrone to the Metro.  Should we ask Earl for advice on how to proceed with Tyrone?

Or should we immediately make clear to Tyrone (in as kind a way as possible) that there is nothing more our group can do for Tyrone and that Tyrone should seek help elsewhere.

How can we assure order at our meetings? (This is not easy.) From posts made on the list since Monday, it seems that some people raised their voices at both the February and March meetings.  I am concerned that if we have people raising their voices at meetings, Teaism management might ask us to leave. 

Should the next few AAGW meetings be highly structured, perhaps with handouts?  This would provide less space for some members’ aimless bitching and moaning. 

Finally, I am mildly irritated with Carlos and “Terry” -- two people who have vowed never to attend another AAGW meeting — clogging the discussion list with posts telling us how to improve our meetings. Carlos -- who loudly proclaims that he has foregone his well-known habit of offering unsolicited advice -- has been e-mailing countless posts offering unsolicited advice…

The president and founder of (Mark Bernkopf) had the lack of empathy to call inequality and inequity in progress to social, and economic, inclusion “aimless bitching and moaning.” What AAGW president and founder Mark perceives as “aimless bitching and moaning” is actually autistics who are left behind in progress toward social and economic inclusion.  They need help and don’t know where to go or whom to ask for help.  A weakness of, and of the self-advocacy movement, has been exposed.  Systemic improvement is necessary to solve more individual problems than self-advocacy organization leaders, like Mark Bernkopf or Ari Ne’eman, acknowledge or advocate for.

   To repeat, viewing individual persons' problems as manifestations of systemic problems can more quickly assemble a group of people who can organize to do the most good for the most people at the most equitable (as people need help achieving full inclusion) pace.   

   In neurological and communication disabilities such as autism (spectrum disorders) cure is a more ambiguous (and to some vocal autistics an undesirable) concept.  Solving (often on a daily basis) regular problems performing activities of daily living such as eating, drinking, bathing, dressing, finding paid employment or income support if one is unemployed or underemployed (major life activities identified by the ADA) with the help of 'someone else's money' (taxes for means-tested 'entitlement programs' not to include earned benefits like Social Security or Medicare) such as personal care assistance, PT or OT (occupational therapy) training to help a person with a disability 'help themselves' is how 'curing' autism should be defined in public discourse.  Republican candidates for legislative and executive branches of government have collectively assembled a record worse than their Democratic opponents on helping people pay the costs of inclusion in money and time that individuals cannot pay.  

   Including a wide range (from neurological disorder Parkinson's Disease to autism) of possible medical treatments from stem cell research is necessary to get votes to fund particular applications of stem cell technology for cures, or issue improvement if cure is an individually trauma-triggering term <trigger warning> from stem cell research.   Journalism like this ('inspiration porn' and individual disclosure of disability) or this have flaws of generalizing possibility of replicated success by other people with disabilities, without organizing from the paradigm of fiscal intersectionality, that more money from a 'social safety net/welfare state' may be needed from 2 or 3 levels (state, local and federal) of government to administer competently to each recipient's satisfaction.  Temporarily able-bodied is an old term the physical disability community used to remind people that anyone can acquire a disability as well as being 'born this way' as the intellectual/developmental disability community members are.  The neurological diversity (neurodiversity) of human beings for non-disabled/neurotypical/temporarily able-bodied people to accept socially more than support solving independent living problems fiscally is an economically neoliberal message.  Such a neoliberal (or anti-government and excessively pro-individual) message of social not economic supports ignores individual variation in class privilege or race privilege that confers on an individual the ability to compensate for (pay the costs of in money and time) poverty or oppression by race or other protected classes in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and ADA of 1990. 

   The struggle continues with moral objections to CRISPR research that also fail to build the fiscal intersectionality to help (with money provided as a 'role of government in peoples' lives') pay the costs to include the person with a disability acquired by birth, illness or accident in major life activities or reduce the impairments enough to allow the person to pay the costs of inclusion themselves.  Ultimately as Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said in November 2015 'there is no individual freedom without individual economic security.'  

More disability rights activists, including Ari Ne'eman and his twitter account conversation partner Michelle Appel,

 should IMHO include fiscal intersectionality in their activism to support people with disabilities that includes the now stigmatized and triggering terms 'high functioning' and 'low functioning' (replaced by 'intense needs.)' The consequences of living in poverty are so great that people seek more certainty to avoid it rather than having faith that 'all will work out for the best' by avoiding gene editing technology as 'playing G-d.' 'Higher functioning' should be replaced with the term 'situated functioning'
to (end inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit in the disability rights community) start to make the disability rights activism as inclusive in benefits demanded as the rhetoric used to demand the benefits. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Banning restraints and seclusion does more good for more #PwDs more quickly than language-shaming

    Cathy McMorris-Rodgers R-WACD5 has been in leadership in the majority (Republican) party in the House of Representatives since 2013.  Her party has been in the majority since 2011. 

  Why didn't Cathy McMorris-Rodgers criticize Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for eliminating disability civil rights regulations in 2017?  

  At confirmation hearings Betsy DeVos stated her commitment to protecting civil rights of students with disabilities in educational settings.  By October 2017 Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos showed her previous January statement was a lie.

Why didn't Rep Cathy McMorris-Rodgers R-WACD5 work with other leaders of her Republican party since 2011, and since 2013 when she was in leadership, to reintroduce the Keeping All Students Safe Act HR4247 that died after the 2009-2011 Congress mentioned here?

   A hearing in May 2009 brought attention to the issue of use of seclusion and restraint to manage 'discipline problems' in students with disabilities.  Seclusion and restraints were used because receptive and expressive communication deficits weren't remedied mostly because of inadequate well-regulated state and local funding, inadequately supplemented by well-regulated federal funding, paying the costs of adequate training of teachers and aides as well as recruitment and retention.  That funding would have helped PBS (positive behavioral supports) lead to better outcomes for students with disabilities.  A report was issued by March 2012, with data from the Civil Rights Data Collection of the USA Education Dept. Civil Rights Office, explaining the issue of seclusion and restraint in schools.  R-WACD5 Cathy McMorris-Rodgers didn't effectively use the power of her leadership position in the majority Republican Party to continue to protect students with disabilities by continued reintroductions until passage of HR4247 or HR1381 if similar requirements were not included in other related bills. 


  The bill was reintroduced in the House and Senate in the 2011-13 Congress.

  Apparently Rep McMorris-Rodgers didn't use her majority party, as of January 2011, membership to try to pass HR1381 before she was in leadership as of Jan. 2013.  Even with Republican Senate majorities from Jan. 2015 to Jan. 2017 congresses where passage of a reintroduced and renumbered S.2020 may have been easier.  


 Reintroducing HR4247 or HR1381 in Congresses after Jan 2013, using the power of her leadership position, would have done more good for more students with disabilities more quickly than 'calling out' and language-shaming 'President' Don Trump for saying r-word derivatives like "retarded" in reference to his Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

  Lisa Brown is challenging R-WACD5 Rep McMorris-Rodgers in November 2018. 


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

erased fiscal intersection by SPMI peer advocates in 2003 followed by autistic self advocates since 2007

  No more consumer-survivor rejection of prescription medications (and the medical model of disability) without cognizance and activism supporting Medicare for All as a universal buy-in additional health insurance choice to individuals, not a requirement to enroll,

and demanding an end to private insurer and taxpayer greed that cuts funding and doctor networks to improve individual mental health that improves long term outcomes if the individual receives LTSS, delivered in HCBS, after progressive public budgets overcome the austerity of the waiting list.

   Stephanie Mencimer took 8 years from 2003 until the publication of her 2011 Mother Jones article

 about Jared Loughner, killer of child Christina Green, born on Sept. 11, 2001, Federal Judge John Roll and wounded ex-AZCD8 (AZCD2 after 2012 election cycle redistricting seat held by R-Martha McSally 2014-18) Democratic member Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Giffords among other victims, for Mencimer to make the connection to shifting money, from paying for institutions and their drugs and devices, prescribed by doctors financed by profit-greedy insurance companies managed 'one size fits all for efficiency' care. 

    For-profit and nonprofit private insurance companies, if they buy into the growing consensus that health care is a human right, must have their contracted benefits follow the person as payment for person-centered, community services instead of the consumer/survivor ‘community’ receiving some leadership of peer-run programs without the money following the person, including persons never institutionalized, from the institutional model to the community-based, person-centered model.   Human medical needs aren't a total production cost divided into unit costwidgets’ in b-school economics classes
as a way of developing social safety net (health and human, social services) budgets at all government levels.   The Judge David Bazelon Center throughout its history ignores the role of money except to close institutions not keep people who are out of them, but at risk of placement if they lose a job, housing or have another life transition, included in community. 

   Fuller Torrey in this 1998 Brain Storm article (reprinted from the Washington D.C. City Paper) called out managed care 'one size fits all for efficiency for profit' practice of medicine and even United Health Care CEO Bill McGuire’s $6.1 million 1 year  ($1 Billion in UHC CEO career) salary.

Over the course of two hours, Torrey rails against federal funding schemes for mental health care and attacks civil liberties lawyers for preventing sick people from getting well. He takes some potshots at John Mack, the Harvard psychiatrist who bills insurance companies for psychotherapy treatment for people who've been abducted by aliens. He skewers "mangled care" companies for paying CEOs multimillion-dollar salaries at the same time that they deprive the mentally ill of treatment. After noting that in 1994 William McGuire, CEO of United Healthcare, received $6.1 million in compensation, Torrey says, "If any of you think William McGuire is going to give back $1 million to open a clubhouse [a successful day program for the mentally ill], see me afterward and I'll give you a prescription for Haldol."

    Peer (consumer-survivor) advocates were fighting to end stigmatizing language in a 2003 article (The Sick and The Dead by Stephanie Mencimer) while safety net, publicly funded, inclusive, community-based services to one population (people with SPMI/mental illness and substance abuse disorders) were being devastated as similar services to another population (people with ID/DD formerly known as MR/mental retardation before 'Rosa's Law' rewrote federal laws) were cut to a lesser extent.  

    Peer consumer-survivor advocates erased (ignored) the fiscally intersectional questions of whether a person living with mental illness was receiving treatment or not

Untreated serious mental illness is a huge risk factor for violent crime, particularly among those released from mental hospitals. A 1992 study by Dr. Henry Steadman, now the chair of the national advisory board of the Center for Mental Health Services & Criminal Justice Research, found that 27 percent of released patients reported having engaged in at least one violent act within four months of being discharged. Those findings mirror older research suggesting that discharged patients had arrest rates for violent crimes 10 times that of the general population. Another study, published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2002, found that about 14 percent of adults with severe mental illness (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) had been violent within the previous year. Not surprisingly, then, 16 percent of jail inmates are estimated to be mentally ill, according to the Justice Department—some 300,000 people, or four times the number who are in mental hospitals today in the United States. 

, and how to pay for adequate treatment if the individual could not, in their 2003 protest letters.   Autistic 'self-advocates' still ignore the same fiscally intersectional question 'who pays the costs' of 'autistic community' goals of inclusion and acceptance if individual autistics cannot pay the costs.  


  The MacArthur Foundation study, quoted by 2003 mental health advocates in their letters,

 may have also left out the distinction between treated and untreated, and implications for law and budget policy in assuring access to high quality, community based, treatment, in measuring the risk of person living with mental illness committing a violent crime. 

  The demands of one of the 2003 anti-stigmatizing language protest letters for more funding for better quality independent living services for individuals living with mental illness,

signed by American Association of People with Disabilities AAPD President and CEO Andrew Imperato in 2003 

were completely ignored by 2007.

   The ARC and Special Olympics (Disability Policy Collaboration) in their no 'r-word' campaign that led to Rosa's Law

rewriting the text of all federal law to replace "mental retardation" with "intellectual disability," after passing laws in states, also were less inclusive in their rhetoric than in the demands for money to pay the costs that their constituencies could not.  Shameful exclusion by the intellectual/developmental disability and physical disability self-advocate operated community-based organizations that is less cross-disability than their inclusive rhetoric makes them appear.

   Self help and actualization movement

that informs the consumer-survivor and self-advocate movements are inadequate replacements for inadequately-funded systemic change that, if the budgets are democratically made more fiscally liberal, will do the most good for the most people with disabilities at the most equitable (as individuals need help) pace. 

   Critics of the self-help and positive psychology movements like this book are a needed corrective to prevent positive psychology from legitimizing regressively worse income and wealth inequality by helping 99% of people accept declining living standards and busier lives working harder (not ‘smarter’) for less income.  

Failures of the self help and positive psychology that has informed the I/DD and SPMI/consumer-survivor disability rights movements are still documented  by what in 2018 is called a 'depression crisis' shown by self-medication with addictive substances from alcohol to opioids and other issues the '12 step' movement has, for almost 90 years since the book "My name is Bill W." was published, attempted to solve with supported (individual-sponsored) abstinence.

Disability Integration Act and more 1974 Rehab Act CIL funding can help more #PwDs more quickly than 'self-advocacy' 'community'

   A NJ Republican Jewish family, headed by Lee Solomon, finds their class privilege threatened by one autistic son with questionable ability to support himself and younger son with opioid addiction starting with father inadequately securing his painkillers from son.

 (Read part of image of article under sub-headline "I really liked them")

  Father, and New Jersey Republican party candidate supporter, Lee Solomon intervenes with opioid addicted son by reminding him who will care for (support financially in the absence of intergovernmental partnerships appropriating and authorizing tax receipts to pay for a social safety net) AJ’s brother on the autism spectrum.

   More DEA-paid for and locally-administered unused prescription drug take back days like these 

 could have helped Lee Solomon dispose of his unwanted 360 Oxycontin (opioid) pills (180 pills each with two different dosages) and prevented son A.J. from taking them recreationally and becoming addicted. Family economic security for the Solomon family could have been strengthened to support A.J.'s brother diagnosed (before the 2013 erasure of the diagnosis) with Asperger's Syndrome now diagnosed as autism spectrum disorder ASD. 

   ADAPT (Americans Disabled for Attendant Programs Today and Americans Disabled for Accessible Public Transportation two names same acronym) was less inclusive in effect than intent in building support for the 1990 ADA.  The Independent Living movement started in Berkeley, CA by the late Ed Roberts used similarly inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit to demand passage of the 1974 Rehab Act that pays for over 2,000 Centers for Independent Living CILs.  Expand the funding structure already in place to help more PwDs more quickly. 

  Both organizations and the Independent Living movement should support a reintroduced Disability Integration Act

in future Congresses and expansion of 1974 Rehabilitation Act funding as rustedaspie wrote last year

(quoted text in brackets to prevent reader confusion and make sentence in the current post comprehensible)

[  Demands for social change were always more exclusive

There now exists over 2,000 Centers for Independent Living in the United States alone. The core Service provided under the Rehab Act include, transition for people leaving nursing homes and youth, information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling, and advocacy.

 than the inclusivity of the rhetoric, used to organize people, by groups like the Berkeley, CA CIL, and ADAPT (Americans Disabled for Accessible Public Transportation and Americans Disabled for Attendant Programs Today), as well as the EnDependence Center of Northern Virginia.  ]

 to designate consumer-survivor and self-advocate run organizations as independent living centers to help more PwDs receive supports to live in communities of their choosing. No more fiscal austerity-based wait lists that hide electorally unpopular budget cuts by making the services harder to qualify for

and mental health consumer-survivor and intellectual/developmental disability self-advocate ‘communities’ severity contests/oppression Olympics. 

  No more diversion of demand away from safety net programs (based on a medical model of disability) by self-advocates like Autism Network International former organizers of autreat, its event planning successor Association for Autistic Community organizing autspace since 2014 with no event 2015 and 2017, aascend in the Bay Area of California, an autistic adult support group in Portland, OR, Autistic Self Advocacy Network ‘community building/political activism’ and in the DMV (District, Maryland, Virginia). 

  Organizational missions of autistic self-advocate run groups listed in the above paragraph are all based on 'members' buying in to the meme (to replace the social safety net with peer to peer help)  'someone is always worse off than me' of hypothetical anonymized pity representing the social model of disability applied 

 to autism

by calling autism a personality 

 (summed up by this comment from user name Trogluddite)

9 months ago
For me personally, many of my traits do not seem at all like aspects of personality - though certainly, having grown up with them, they have contributed to the development of my personality.  In addition, having spent most of my life so far forcing myself to "pass as normal", there is a big question mark over whether the personality that I project to other people is entirely my real personality, rather than an false persona adopted for ease of interaction with other people.
To take one example.  I may be perceived by other people as having an "asocial" or "shy" personality.  However, much of my reticence to speak up socially has nothing to do with lacking the desire to do so.  There are aspects of my condition which make the process of communicating more difficult regardless of how much I would prefer to be more outgoing...
  • My processing of speech is very slow.  This often leaves me with little chance to express my true opinion.  I can choose between somebody else taking the next turn to speak before I get the chance, or to react quickly but say something which doesn't really capture what I really think or misunderstands information that I haven't processed yet.
  • Reading eye contact and body language are not simply a matter of having too little practice.  My senses get overwhelmed easily, and my ability to avoid distracting stimuli so that I can focus on the right thing at the right time is limited.  I do well at identifying facial expressions when it is explicitly tested, but in real life, I just don't see them in the first place because of these sensory issues and problems with attention.
  • Having to consciously attend to reading body language and expressions is a huge extra load on my brain relative to having an instinctive response for them.  As well as being very tiring, it also distracts me from hearing what is said accurately and processing its meaning.  It is hard to find the right thing to say when so much contextual information is missed.
  • Understanding social situations also calls for a lot of explicit analysis, again a further stress on an already overworked brain.  Trouble with judging the appropriateness of what I'm going so say leads to anxiety and self-censorship (often "playing it safe" by simply being agreeable whether or not I truly feel that way.)
  • Too much sensory input can simply overwhelm me to the point of shutting down.  If I feel that this is imminent, I have to remove myself from the situation, regardless of how much I would like to spend more time with the people present.
I do agree that the above, as with any other trait associated with autism, exist on a continuum, without any distinct boundary at which they become a disability or dysfunction.  However, I feel that the above are purely perceptual and cognitive traits.  Rather than being part of my personality, they are actually hurdles which impair my ability to express who I really am.  I would prefer that I could communicate with people more and feel more connected to them, and it frustrates me when I cannot, particularly when it gives other people a false sense of who I am or how I feel about them.
A similar argument could be made for the executive functioning issues which I experience, which can sometimes prevent me from initiating an action even when I desire it, can clearly see the benefits of it, and have all the necessary resources at my disposal.
In fact, this is largely how I define which of my autistic traits I consider to be disabilities - they are the parts which hinder me from acting on the needs and desires of my true self, or from negotiating reasonable compromises with the world around me.  However, by this definition, it is also perfectly reasonable that not all autistic people need identify themselves as disabled (or even as autistic at all), as their personality and their autistic traits may be in harmony with each other.


 Keeping an ambiguous 'boundary' between when an individual independent living problem becomes "a disability or a dysfunction" triggering (qualifying for) publicly-funded social services

I do agree that the above, as with any other trait associated with autism, exist on a continuum, without any distinct boundary at which they become a disability or dysfunction.

helps ration demand for expanded publicly-funded social services such as job development and retention, and housing, food and utility bill payment assistance to only the 'truly most needy' or 'vulnerable' (formerly known as low functioning) individuals with disabilities that even people with disabilities have been shamed out of seeking services in favor of 'workarounds'   that shift the costs of inclusion from the community to the individual mostly in time trying to create a 'workaround.'  

   Reducing the demand for information and referral back to the social safety net (funded by taxes and based on residence within the taxing state or local jurisdiction boundary to be found 'eligible') to ‘unofficial,’ individual, peer to peer relationships built within confidentiality-protected group spaces helps leave what little services and authorized tax revenues are left for the increasingly more intense need (formerly known as lower functioning) autistics unable to build peer to peer relationships because of urgency to meet immediate survival needs.  Self-advocacy perpetuating this situation that uses words like 'inclusive' or 'welcoming to all' is simply inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit.  

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Autistics Speaking Day - speaking truth to leadership power

    One of the founders of, Mark B., was talking with Jon G. in friendly conversation after Mark B. had led another open-ended discussion that month about stopping procrastination.  

   Jon G. was tired as usual, and irritated about having his weekend delayed by 5 hours, from carrying the display case full of books to display after working the last day of a 5 day week at his part-time job with a 2 hour time window to get from his workplace to the meeting space in a restaurant that allows groups to meet there to raise their food sale revenue.  

   One way Jon G. feels more connected to people and eases his irritation is to try to accelerate the 'pace of (positive social) change' 

   Demands for faster paces of change, to do more good for more people more quickly, to pass the laws and implement the regulations usually highlight the division such as whether to have free college or free public college tuition or whether to allow all individuals the choice to buy health insurance from Medicare or require all individuals to buy health insurance from Medicare with taxes replacing health insurance premiums.  Even the 2010 Dodd-Frank act that created the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) that has been gutted since the November 2017 change in director to Mick Mulvaney, in particular, was the subject of 'pace of change' arguments about how strongly to re-regulate banks.  Disputes of whether the Glass-Steagall act, repealed in 1999, should have been included continue to divide Democrats and suppress their base voter turnout.  Any new proposal that is marketed as 'nonpartisan' or 'neither left nor right' becomes attractive as people seek a 'new normal' amidst chaos on many issues while trying to 'keep a roof over individual heads' by 'paying bills' from 'any job' one can 'get hired for' and keep including multiple jobbettes or the 'sharing economy.' 

to do more good for more people more quickly.

People with the disability of autism (who call themselves autistics in a rejection of person-first language because of a belief autism cannot be separated from the person as an additional resistance to medical models of disability) have started identifying as LGBTQ first and autistic second, and conflate neurodiversity with diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and public expression of gender identity,  to achieve faster individual inclusion at less monetary and time cost to the individual, in the absence of a regulatory and administrative state, to do more good for more people more quickly.  The pace of positive social change still remains less equal for autistics who can’t ‘pick a state or local, in the absence of federal protected class recognition, civil rights law-defined protected class’ because they don’t identify with as many marginalized ‘identity politics’ communities that are simply crowd-sourced civil rights law protected classes.


   Tragically most people dismiss Jon's attempts to do that as shaming Jon for being 'obsessed with politics' or 'talking about politics.'  That dismissal is other peoples' misperception and bad assumptions regarding Jon G's interpersonal communication style. 

   Each attendee buying food is effectively a dues payment to attend meetings that allows not to require payment- a rarity in the support group 'community.' The cost of meeting space is paid directly to the owner of the meeting space rather than to the group. 

  Here is the dialogue, as remembered by Jon G. in September 2018, from the June 23, 2018 conversation with Mark B. gone horribly wrong, including Mark B abusing his power as president to 'put Jon G. in 'his place' as a subordinate rather than as an equal, in a nonprofit group that depends totally on the goodwill of leaders for their time and material contributions whether they be officers or trustees.  

Jon's self-defense from trustee removal follows based on personal memory of experience others acknowledge as quite good. That others still will defer to Mark's greater amount of time and money for agenda printing, topic picking, discussion leading, tax status filing and incorporating and remove me no matter how or what I say as well as Mark rigging the Aug 11, 2018 vote with his resignation threat if he doesn't get his desired outcome.

[Postscript: By Sept 29, 2018 board meeting where old bylaws were replaced with simpler bylaws (in keeping with simpler 1023EZ form requesting 501c3 tax deductible fundraising status than originally intended 1023 long form status) Jon offered to buy paper and ink cartridges to President Mark and Chairman Chuck. Jon’s offer was rejected.  Jon's rejected apology, by action not words (think restitution), is also added in the screen shot below of the first page of the 08112018 AAGW meeting agenda.] 

  Two weeks before Mark B. rigged a vote of trustees with a threat to resign if he didn't get his preferred outcome he offered Jon G. an opportunity to resign as a trustee to protect privacy from having one's name posted on the internet.  Jon G. was tired from his job each day and didn't answer the message.  In hindsight not caring about having one's name posted online, and wishing to remain a trustee, may not have mattered based on Mark's abuse of his presidential and trustee power two weeks later. 


 Back to the interrupted conversation that 'started it all' :

Jon didn't misunderstand what Mark said. Mark interrupted Jon while he was describing how Max Blumenthal, narrator of the film "Killing Gaza" that Jon had seen a few weeks before, having his political disagreements with Israel government policy twisted into prejudice by being called an anti-semite.

 Mark said "But he is...." interrupting Jon's train of thought.

 Only thing Jon did wrong is yell “bullshit” thinking the next word out of Mark's mouth was going to be "anti-semite" not the possibility the word may have been Jewish. 

The ignorance Mark may have been displaying of how even Jews are falsely called anti-semites by conflating zionism with Judaism and defining anti-Semitism to include anti-zionism was, in combination with being interrupted mid sentence,

for which Mark refuses to accept any responsibility for eliciting Jon’s reaction


yelling "bullshit" loudly enough for Mark to assume a danger to continued meeting space paid for by the food purchases of each person attending

to being interrupted by Mark. 

Interrupting someone is not a good thing to do, particularly to an autistic, when talking about a subject of their interest.

  In addition to offering to buy paper and printer ink cartridges by the Sept 29, 2018 meeting Jon G. has made restitution for his unfortunate outburst

by adding two more individually-vetted Autism-diagnosing doctors to one of Mark's replies (to the private-no links will be posted- yahoo group list serve) with 4 un-vetted doctors to help even members who weren't at the June 23, 2018 meeting.      Despite being subjected to an abuse of power by the President Mark B., and justifiably feeling vulnerable to an elevated risk of a similar abuse of power in the post Sept 29, 2018 by-laws giving the President unilateral authority to remove officers,

 where not even a self-defense or a vote is necessary, that can be rigged again by a resignation threat ('my way or the highway' leadership style) based on 'greater' time and material contributions others cannot replace,

   Jon G. will continue to give Mark B. the benefit of the doubt by suggesting these two links describing where Max Blumenthal was inaccurately called anti-semitic by conflating the political disagreement with his reporting with anti-zionism. 

   Whether a corporation is a non-profit or for-profit corporate founders can be too rigid, inflexible and protective of their mission for 'their baby' (the non-profit corporation they founded) from anyone who didn't start the corporation.  

  The only reason Jon G. has carried the display suitcase of books and managed the circulation records including the petty cash bag of deposits (to give back to borrowers when books are returned) is because of a similar unilateral exercise of power (list serve moderation based on not 'getting' humor regarding how often people post over a period of time) by Mark B. (J. Willardston Smith) in July 2011. 

  Another post replying to the same list serve thread more seriously without a specific connection to how to do the most good for the most autistics most quickly is here in this image.

 That unilateral exercise of power led to the previous (and second in AAGW corporate history) librarian (Dances with Cars aka Jerry) leaving the group.  

   The initial librarian dropped out because her workload in library science graduate school prevented coming to one meeting per month (then on Sunday afternoons) not Saturday nights unless the 2 hour total of individual AAGW attendee food purchases already regularly force Teaism's owner to deny 'free' 4th Saturday of a month meeting space (in March, November and December) that is actually a 'community friendly' marketing gesture.  Jon G. is not the first person to have 'raised their voice' that triggered Mark B. fears and August 2018 abuse of power by turning a personal dispute into an organizational structure change (board of trustee expulsion with vote-rigging by resignation threat and later reduction in size of the board of trustees).   Officers devote their time but do not receive a vote at meetings of the AAGW board of officers and trustees.   AAGW is now an incorporated 501c(3) non-profit, despite as an IRS 1023EZ form applicant that has an unfortunate history of discouraging foundations from approving grants.   Perhaps more democratic (small 'd') AAGW governance procedures of an equal vote at quarterly meetings for trustees and officers may entice foundations that are concerned with transparency and open governance back to consideration of funding grant proposals to supplement small individual donations if they are received in addition to the President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees paying for domain name registration and web site hosting services provided by a woman and autistic-operated business.   The trustees and officers devote similar amounts of time and individual money for operating the library, planning and leading a dinner and two other trips per year to trustees.  

Update Jan 13, 2019 following Jan 12, 2019 board meeting

The August 11, 2018 meeting minutes were approved by a vote of only the three trustees, Randy F., Charles C. and of course Mark B.  A procedural, or parliamentary, trick allowing Mark B. to "CYA" (cover your ass) from an appearance of unethical conduct and corruption, was to omit Mark's threat to resign from the minutes if Jon wasn't removed (Mark didn't get what he wanted).  Jon protested the omission of the vote-rigging threat fiercely but was silenced with another threat of expulsion based mostly on the style of Jon's communication rather than the substance.  Because the vote-rigging threat by Mark to resign if he didn't get his outcome wasn't actually said in the meeting (only made in the agenda before the meeting) the minutes didn't need to include the vote-rigging threat.  Here are the incomplete minutes 

that display the incomplete corporate recordkeeping of the Autistic Adults of Greater Washington if anyone at the Virginia State Corporation Commission
[update Dec 14, 2019 link may lead to a password protected site], or interested citizen, is interested in addressing impropriety and/or corruption in nonprofit corporate governance.   The AAGW corporate records online at the Virginia State Corporation Commission web site may have been password-protected.  Here is another link that shows the core AAGW corporate leadership without a username and password account with the Virginia State Corporation Commission.  The other two trustees live on Dean Mar Drive and Keating Street.

Mark B. and Chuck C. refused to discuss Jon's complaint further and avoided interaction with Jon except for public settings of Teaism restaurant general and board meetings.  This was an attempt to let enough time pass by that would 'grind down' Jon's justified reaction of being treated unfairly and force Jon to either accept the mistreatment or quit.  Jon does not accept arbitrary and capricious abuses of power and Chuck C. joined Mark B.'s practice of simply walking away when they became tired of what they misperceived as Jon's 'belligerence' or 'venting.'  Avoiding interacting with Jon except in public settings helped in suppressing escalation after walking away and ignoring Jon who wished to avoid more 'drama' or 'scenes' in public that can easily be misconstrued as a threat requiring police involvement.  Mark B. exercised his unilateral authority, after likely consultation with Chuck C. after a July 17, 2019 handover of the empty library bag for repairs, to remove Jon from the yahoo group and ban Jon from any meetings or activities.  A threat to complain to Google, the owner of the blogspot platform, for sharing the AAGW leadership problems with a wider audience, because of sharing emails and board meeting minutes, was made.  In Mark B. haste to expel and ban Jon before another required board meeting (one every 3 months that must be held by Sept 30, 2019) he forgot to arrange a handover of the library collection by the July 27, 2019 general meeting.  The members who continue to bother to show up in person for 'dinner and a support group meeting' continue to be deprived of the library collection. Most of the books were originally donated by Chuck C. who walked out on Jon when picking up the empty bag for repair.  No attempt has been made to arrange a return of the library books.  

  Maybe instead of complaining to Google about disclosing confidential information (to suppress negative search results in name searches) Mark B. could designate someone else to ask Jon to return to AAGW library books.  The substance of Jon's communication was more important than the 'raised voice' style that only indicated intensity of demands after 'inside voice' tone failed to achieve mutually beneficial results.  Autistic Self Advocacy Network ASAN is generally against ABA (applied behavior analysis) as a way to help autistics 'fit in' with neurotypical society because it forces autistics to communicate in a manner contrary to individual neurodiversity. One contributor to "Loud Hands" a book compiled by and published by ASAN even demanded assault prosecution for ABA therapists who stop autistics from making repeated hand movements known to autistics as 'stimming.'

 ASAN generally demands that individual communication styles should be respected even if the autistic is able to use speech instead of assisted and augmentative communication technology AAC. The general demand for acceptance of neurodiverse communication styles is made here in the Loud Hands anthology. 

  Mark B. and Chuck C. as 'autistic leaders' failed to respect Jon's diverse style of communication as ASAN demands.  Your humble blogger, Rustedaspie, recommends that ASAN should refuse to work with AAGW leaders, who failed miserably to 'practice what they preach' regarding democratic leadership practices and respecting communication style diversity in dispute resolution, in planning any future National Summits of Autistic Led Organizations following up on one held on Nov 20-21, 2016 following an ASAN fundraising dinner. 

To paraphrase the post below  

don't be afraid to speak truth to power even if it costs a 14 year relationship and 8 years of substantive volunteer library management.