Monday, June 4, 2018
Democratic Party winning candidates serve the disabled and disability communities better than Republican incumbents
Primary elections try to push candidates to be better supporters of policies that help segments of the electoral base of a political party. Candidates adjust their positions slightly if they think that will win more votes from the affected segment, and allies of the affected segment, of the electoral base.
General elections should be about electing the primary election winners who would do the least harm, if not the most good, for the issue (or identity) politics communities.
From a long term perspective of multiple primary and general election cycles, Democratic Party general election candidates fight for and have created better policies, implementing laws, for the community of people with disabilities and their temporarily-able-bodied friends and families.
Here's how.
Republicans help #PwDs with one hand and slit the throats of people with disabilities (#PwDs) with the other. Republican Pres. Richard Nixon helped by watering down calls for a universal basic income by creating SSI (Supplemental Security Income) with means tests that force beneficiaries into deeper poverty. Later Republicans created private (ABLE Act of 2014) accounts that suspend, rather than terminate, SSI benefits until account assets are ‘spent down.’ It is a legislative precedent that should not be repeated as Social Security and Medicare trust funds are ‘spent down.’ Democrats went along with the ABLE act because they were in the minority and individual elected officials (politicians) represented states or districts of states that were relatively less progressive economically if not socially. Raising the FICA cap by greater amounts each year, with a goal of scrapping the cap entirely, is a better long term policy outcome.
Republican Pres. George H.W. Bush signed the ADA in 1990, after winning a 1988 election campaign that featured a racist ad, about a failure of prison furlough judgment by the MA prison system, when Bush’s opponent was governor of MA. The producer of the ad, Citizens United, was the same organization that ended limits on spending by IE groups by 2010.
More mass incarceration and punishment, rather than correction of criminal behavior that is implied in the name of most jails and prisons (Correctional Institution/Institute/Facility) and their supervising state and local departments (of Correctional Services), resulted. Republican lawyers for thug corporations sued to raise and shift costs of individual enforcement to the harmed individuals.
The ADA amendments act of 2008 corrected for some of the bad court decisions.
HR 620 in the 2017-18 Congress is reversing both the ADA and the 2008 amendments act.
People with the disability of autism (who call themselves autistics in a rejection of person-first language because of a belief autism cannot be separated from the person as an additional resistance to medical models of disability) have started identifying as LGBTQ first and autistic second, and conflate neurodiversity with diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and public expression of gender identity, to achieve faster individual inclusion at less monetary and time cost to the individual, in the absence of a regulatory and administrative state, to do more good for more people more quickly. The pace of positive social change still remains less equal for autistics who can’t ‘pick a state or local, in the absence of federal protected class recognition, civil rights law-defined protected class’ because they don’t identify with as many marginalized ‘identity politics’ communities that are simply crowd-sourced civil rights law protected classes.