Your humble blogger, rustedaspie, was attacked by friends' of twitter accounts of @tclementsuk and @autismgadfly, who later attacked Ari N and Steve S, and has only the screen shots to prove it. The tweets of the accounts that interacted with my account have been deleted by users or account deletions.
I joined a thread that promoted this
Recently, this trend has started to change and there's been a slow growth of autistics who see the problems with neurodiversity. Writers Tom Clements, Gwen Kansen, and Twilah Hiari have written unfavorable pieces about neurodiversity. Anorther writer, and twitter user Jonathan Ferguson (AKA One-Tongued Johnny and Wallace Runnymeade) has also spoken out against neurodiversity. Yuval Levental is another individual who occasionally contributes to the discourse about this loathesome movement and the problems associated with it. One-Tongued Johnny started a #neurodiversityishistory hashtag, but it's use was noneffective and ephemeral.
blog post I quote from above. Screenshots are posted without links because the other accounts (@tclementsuk) deleted their tweets since June 2018 or the accounts (@YesThatAnna) were suspended.
This tweet, also shown in the screen shot below, hasn't been deleted.
I posted this tweet to sum up what I thought the other accounts were arguing about regarding whether to support the 'neurodiversity' concept as an organizing philosophy.
The since-deleted account @onetonguejohnny attacked my account several times based on @onetonguejohnny (Jon Ferguson's) hatred of state attempts to help people in need because of difficulty in obtaining it. Help was difficult to obtain because of richest people paying news & entertainment media actors & journalists to tell poor white people to hate poor black and brown people. I call the phenomenon dividing civil rights protected class (disability) by the economic class stratification within the civil rights protected class. In plain language the political right likes the rich members of all marginalized and oppressed communities to divide the communities from the constituencies that need financial help paying for LTSS in HCBS. Here are screen shots of his attacks.
My reply to the twitter attack from later-suspended account @onetonguejohnny is: Entitlement (earned benefit) is what happens after one is qualified to receive something. Victimhood is believing one is qualified despite harm until evidence proves one has or hasn't earned the benefit. The evidence is evaluated by government administrators of the social programs to determine eligibility with the accountability measure of an appeals process.
@onetonguejohnny as a twitter account was suspended after reports (link might be dead screen shots below of what the tweets showed) of more attacks.

@onetonguejohnny changed his bio page
several times before the account was suspended.
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