Tuesday, November 9, 2021

inequitable pace of positive change can turn people against a movement


I shared my thoughts on @autismgadfly Jonathan Mitchell's motivations at the end of this post written in 2017 I shared with @Samanticka a year later,

I wrote this post about acceptance v cure last year. Shorter message: who pays costs of acceptance & inclusion & can all pay & receive to decent living standard? https://selfadvocacyskepticism.blogspot.com/2017/03/social-acceptance-goal-of-autism.html?m=1

12:43 PM · Jan 23, 2018·Twitter for iPhone

 in 2018, led to this twitter conversation. @slooterman joined in and replied too but both account controllers have since deleted their tweets.   Screenshots replace links because of tweet deletions since 2018. 

 @slooterman in the first 3 screenshots divided views of individual critic of neurodiversity movement, autismgadfly, as his personal views, unrelated to failure to find adequate LTSS in HCBS in his community, while centering most intense needs autistics in neurodiversity-informed activism demands.  @slooterman divided an autistic community from an autistic constituency by supporting the status quo of organizing a larger community to advocate for a smaller constituency.   Since 2011 autistic self-advocacy as done by ASAN partnered with the intense needs/low functioning ID/DD (formerly MR) group Self Advocates Becoming Empowered SABE.  Activism followed model with more inclusive rhetoric.  Being able to drive, afford a car and live alone in an apartment still without a job is not a fully independent life.  @autismgadfly is blaming the activists not the legislators of one party, Republican, who balk at spending any money for domestic discretionary programs.  That reluctance leads activists/self advocates to narrow the community into a smaller constituency with demands for more funding for LTSS delivered in HCBS. 



@slooterman replied to my account @nyr194 agreeing with me that private contractors are not better than public services.  The link she posted is inaccessible by twitter but one troubled ID group home contractor has rebranded after being exposed.


I also posted this to try to understand @autismgadfly's anti-neurodiversity and pro-cure (or what @autismgadfly means by a cure for his autism) politics. 

 This was one of the replies posted by autismgadfly. 

Jan 25, 2018

but, yes, the post claiming I came to these conclusions due to bad financial circumstances and being left behind is absolutely false and typical of the dishonest statements ND's constantly write.

  Twitter account @lauralovesian1 replying “You are free to express your views” is condescending and a backhanded compliment.  @autismgadfly is 'Free to express' as long as others never agree making him an ‘influencer’ or persuasive.  If @autismgadfly views become persuasive then others feel entitled to attack gadfly by calling the views problematic then bigoted (ableist).


@slooterman wrote this column


 Some words on special needs moms in horror movies
The Babadook and other updates

Oct 12 [2020]

Heads up, folks: This week’s newsletter is about the portrayal of filicide in fiction. There is some very graphic description of filicide, and ideas about filicide. There are also spoilers for The Babadook.

In October, we watch horror movies.
COVID-19 may have prevented me from seeing my family for the Jewish High Holidays, but it can’t prevent me from a cherished tradition with my partner. I love horror movies. I wasn’t allowed to watch them as a kid — My mother was concerned about violence in media — So they’re forbidden fruit. Part of the pleasure is the sense of transgression. I’ve been living independently for years, but watching a horror movie still feels very much like I’m getting away with something.
Most recently, I saw The Babadook for the first time. And it may be one of the most disturbing horror movies I’ve ever seen. There are a lot of murderous mothers in horror movies. In The Conjuring, for example, an evil spirit possesses a mother in order to induce her to kill her own children. These stories are presented in stark moral terms. Killing one’s own children is seen as the ultimate evil, something that could only come from demonic influence or a cartoonish sort of mental illness.
But that’s not the case in The Babadook. In The Babadook, we’re encouraged to empathize and understand why a woman might be driven to kill her own child. This isn’t just my own interpretation of the film — The director, Jennifer Kent, has been fairly explicit about it.
"Now, I'm not saying we all want to go and kill our kids, but a lot of women struggle. And it is a very taboo subject, to say that motherhood is anything but a perfect experience for women."
In The Babadook, a mother, Amelia, is having a very difficult time. Her husband died driving her to the hospital. Her son, Samuel, has significant behavioral issues — He screams, makes makeshift weapons, talks endlessly about monsters, and is occasionally violent. He wakes her almost every night, so she hasn’t gotten much sleep. While there is no explicit reference to a condition like autism or ADHD, his behavior is painfully familiar. Amelia is exhauasted, sleep deprived, and struggles at work. Her sister rejects Samuel, and by extension, rejects Amelia. And the viewer is drawn deeper and deeper into sympathizing with Amelia.
Amelia has little support, but she also actively pushes support away. In one of the earliest scenes in the movie, Samuel’s teachers suggest that Samuel get a 1-to-1 aide. Instead, Amelia pulls him out of school. Amelia’s neighbor, a kind old woman named Gracie Roach, offers kind words and to even let Samuel sleep over. But Amelia refuses. She stops going to work. Slowly, Amelia and Samuel become more and more isolated, as they are hunted by a monster called the Babadook. Amelia, exhausted and terrified, becomes more and more violent, eventually killing the family dog before attempting to kill Samuel.
Many other critics have interpreted the Babadook to be a representation of grief — It is impossible to get rid of the Babadook. Instead, the Babadook, and by extension, grief, is something you have to learn to live with. But I think the Babadook is also embodied, murderous ableism. And while I’m disturbed by Jennifer Kent’s assertion that this is a tAbOo we should talk about, I appreciate that the Babadook is not portrayed as normal. Not everyone has a Babadook. Not everyone disabled has a Babadook. The neighbor, who has Parkinson’s, doesn’t have a Babadook. The seniors confined to the dementia ward where Amelia works don’t have a Babadook. The Babadook isn’t seen as natural or as an inevitability, and I appreciate that. Ultimately, Amelia does not kill her son. Instead, she learns to live with her darker impulses, without letting them consume her.



 on her substack page that rustedaspie (I) subscribed to from May 2020 until she deleted it in August 2021.  


  Although he will likely deny the point, @autismgadfly has a Babadook against neurodiversity and self-advocate operated organizations because he didn’t get the accommodations or supports to hold a job that Sara Luterman got.  Getting inclusion, acceptance, LTSS in HCBS and reasonable accommodations (paid for by one or more levels of government because individuals cannot pay the full cost) help people with disabilities drop their individual Babadooks.  Neurodiversity self advocates fail to help as many people drop their individual Babadooks as they claim.  That leads to 'drama' (conflict) between autistics arguing about neurodiversity.  Confidentiality conceals the inequities, inequalities and the self-advocacy movement failures.  Confidentiality also privatizes the costs of that change for some people (less intense needs/ not severe disabilities) and socializes the costs for other people (intense needs/severe disabilities).  Some people who need to privatize those costs of improved independent living situations 'get that' and are share their justified resentment for the inequitable help that they still are reluctant to discuss in public discourse.    

Monday, November 8, 2021

rustedaspie was attacked in 2018 by friends of the accounts who in 2020 called Ari N and Steve S part of a 'trifecta of evil"



      Your humble blogger, rustedaspie, was attacked by friends' of twitter accounts of @tclementsuk and @autismgadfly, who later attacked Ari N and Steve S, and has only the screen shots to prove it.  The tweets of the accounts that interacted with my account have been deleted by users or account deletions.  


  I joined a thread that promoted this


Recently, this trend has started to change and there's been a slow growth of autistics who see the problems with neurodiversity.  Writers Tom Clements, Gwen Kansen, and Twilah Hiari have written unfavorable pieces about neurodiversity.  Anorther writer, and twitter user Jonathan Ferguson (AKA One-Tongued Johnny and Wallace Runnymeade) has also spoken out against neurodiversity.  Yuval Levental is another individual who occasionally contributes to the discourse about this loathesome movement and the problems associated with it.  One-Tongued Johnny started a #neurodiversityishistory hashtag, but it's use was noneffective and ephemeral. 


 blog post I quote from above.  Screenshots are posted without links because the other accounts (@tclementsuk) deleted their tweets since June 2018 or the accounts (@YesThatAnna) were suspended. 

This tweet, also shown in the screen shot below, hasn't been deleted.


My tweet continues from the screen shot above to the screen shot of the full tweet below. 

   I posted this tweet to sum up what I thought the other accounts were arguing about regarding whether to support the 'neurodiversity' concept as an organizing philosophy. 


  The since-deleted account @onetonguejohnny attacked my account several times based on @onetonguejohnny (Jon Ferguson's) hatred of state attempts to help people in need because of difficulty in obtaining it.  Help was difficult to obtain because of richest people paying news & entertainment media actors & journalists to tell poor white people to hate poor black and brown people.  I call the phenomenon dividing civil rights protected class (disability) by the economic class stratification within the civil rights protected class.  In plain language the political right likes the rich members of all marginalized and oppressed communities to divide the communities from the constituencies that need financial help paying for LTSS in HCBS.  Here are screen shots of his attacks.  


  My reply to the twitter attack from later-suspended account @onetonguejohnny is: Entitlement (earned benefit) is what happens after one is qualified to receive something.  Victimhood is believing one is qualified despite harm until evidence proves one has or hasn't earned the benefit.  The evidence is evaluated by government administrators of the social programs to determine eligibility with the accountability measure of an appeals process.


 @onetonguejohnny   as a twitter account was suspended after reports (link might be dead screen shots below of what the tweets showed) of more attacks.  






@onetonguejohnny changed his bio page 




several times before the account was suspended. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

'alt right' and 'autistic dark web' are mostly Angry White Men who blame the wrong political 'side' for their problems




   The pace of progressive social change to accept, include, accommodate and pay the costs, that individuals cannot pay, in the disability rights movement is savagely unequal.  Those left desperately behind post and say mean things (lash out) 




to those whose 'life journeys' living with a disability have a better quality of life.  Confidentiality conceals the inequities. 


  One such instance of 'lashing out' was in this column by @tclementsuk on twitter.  Fruatration led to a personal attack on Ari Ne'eman and Steve Silberman by @autismgadfly an online 'friend' or 'follower' on twitter of @tclementsuk.  The attack was pushed back on here and here.   


  The second link above, from neuroclastic.com, tried to break down the opponents of the idea of 'neurodiversity' into several groups.  The two groups below

3. The “severe” autism lobby, those promoting a false dichotomy of “mild” and “severe” autism, which primarily leans on the falsehood that non-speaking autistics are severely intellectually disabled. They dehumanize non-speakers by perpetuating misinformed assumptions about their competence and by positing that those with intellectual disability are incapable of self-advocacy or are less human.

4. The anti-neurodiversity movement, many of whose members have been called the “Autistic Dark Web,” a troupe of people who are mostly regarded as trolls and are most visible on Twitter. These people claim that the #ActuallyAutistic/Neurodiversity Movement is full of “social justice warriors” from the far left who want to turn autism into an issue of “identity politics.”

 very well might represent families and friends of people with severe autism who have not progressed as far 'down the path' to full inclusion, acceptance and accommodation in their individually chosen commnunities.  Bad public policy in national, provincial and local governments that inadequately publicizes, funds and delivers LTSS in HCBS is the variable that the 'alt right' or 'autistic dark web' ignores because they don't support a role of government in peoples' lives to help people beyond police, courts and military to protect property and life (in that order).  Confidentiality conceals the inequities and inequalities and prevents the 'scientifically valid' data gathering and sampling.  


  Ari Ne'eman and Steve Silberman were the two people attacked and Ari 'laughed off' the 'trifecta of evil' insult with this tweet deleted since February 2020.  


  Ari Ne'eman further tried to 'laugh off' the attack by joking about his trouble finding a Middle Eastern (including Israeli) food to his liking.  


   This tweet is one





 of the few in the February 16, 2020 thread that hasn't been deleted. 

    Pace of change battles between people who feel they have a worse 'quality of life' who attack those they feel have a better 'quality of life' emerge a lot on social media.  Demands to replace the Affordable Care Act with Medicare for all expanded in benefits and payment rates instead of a 'public option' to buy expanded Medicare instead of private for-profit health insurance are one example.  Demands for free college or a return to more aid that isn't in the form of repayable loans are another public policy example.  People in the 'alt right' or 'autistic dark web' might represent people left behind in the pace of positive social change.  Confidentiality prevents the data-gathering of numbers of people actually helped by activist social movements like the disability rights movement informed by 'neurodiversity.' Being left behind in the progress of positive social change makes individuals vulnerable to extreme right wing political/economic ideologies that have prejudice and hate at their core.  This article is a great read to move the focus back to systemic economics and politics and away from bigoted individuals attacking other individuals in words or with physical weapons.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

ADU opponent on twitter 2019 admits earning the six figures of the 'straw man' 'Booz Allen' associate in 2020

 In this link from 2019, the MoCo council passed a law allowing more ADUs (accessory dwelling units-apartments) in basements or yards of single family homes.  


Commenter Kabardino Balkaria (same person as @301lezginka on twitter (formerly @MoCoMillenial on twitter) opposed the law by having County Executive Marc Elrich's back in the 'comment wars' also pasted below.

Kabardino Balkaria could have been letting the perfect be the enemy of the good by pointing out the stormwater runoff and traffic problems from ADUs having off street (bigger driveway) parking.


There is no "me and Elrich" unless you can cite where he is advocating for what I am calling for: YES on ADUs, with incentives to rent them out for under $1500/month. How on earth is this not being for affordable housing.
There was a case where a benevolent woman in Takoma Park rented out an ADU, I think it was a basement apartment for $900/month. This is awesome and there should be more cases like this.
What I am afraid will happen is the following scenario:
a) a wealthy Chevy Chase family who wants to make even more money builds a high-end, freestanding unit on their property and rents it out for $2200/month, which will be out of range for any middle income young renter who takes transit, but will instead go to the Booz Allen associate who brings his car.
b) An entire family moves in with children and vehicles, making the unit functionally a duplex - which would be all well and good, except for the resulting crowded conditions in schools and on roads (since there is no way to prevent the ADU residents from bringing their cars) and increased impermeable surfaces which lowers the quality of life for both the new residents and the existing residents. (So, essentially, when some people are talking about "character of the neighborhood," they are indeed using a racist dogwhistle, and they are factually wrong since the kind of people they fear so much aren't even going to afford to live in the ADUs. But when other people raise "neighborhood" concerns, they really do mean these very unsexy arguments about crowding issues associated with adding more upper-middle-class residents to a single lot.)
My solution? Allow more ADUs, because we aren't going to "build a wall" to keep out new residents and stop growth altogether - but RAISE TAXES on people constructing ADUs for situations A and B, and WAIVE THE TAX for people renting out ADUs for under $1500, to seniors, or to family members.

  Kabardino Balkaria / @MoCoMillenial /@301lezginka trolled council member and ADU supporter (and county executive candidate in 2022) Hans Riemer in this thread with this screen shot in case of tweet or account deletion.  



 Your humble post author replied re whether Marc Elrich is anti business or an exclusionary supporter of owners of existing homes.

 Almost 2 years later in this comment

I’m 32, make six figures in a tech job, have an advanced degree and I pay my damn taxes. I’m a contributing member of society.
I’m a socialist. Experiencing the real world makes you a socialist. These kids aren’t even socialists yet I agree with them. What they say makes sense. Taxes are the price you pay for civilization.

  Kabardino Balkaria also known as @301lezginka (formerly @MoCoMillenial) admits that he or she earns the same income as her or his 'straw man' argument (the Booz Allen associate who can still afford both a car and housing costs) against the ADU zoning law in 2019.  Kabardino Balkaria/ @301lezginka is probably waiting for the apartment they live in to convert to a condo with past rent credited to the purchase.  Marc Elrich has supported that as an affordable housing solution back to when he first ran for council in 2006 and again in 2019 after being elected executive.  


But that is not a sustainable solution either.  Eventually, by aging and dying in place if not job or family situation changes, the first owners of the converted apartment will move out and the resale price won't remain affordable in future markets because the seller will get a profit above paying for moving and a new residence in another location in or outside of Montgomery County.  But enough time (perhaps 10 years or more) will have passed and the resale price will appear to be in line with, or below, the market price in the future.  MPDUs (moderately priced dwelling units) have price caps on resales.  Unfortunately an adequate amount of MPDUs to house all on wait lists need a large amount of total 'market price' units built to produce a small amount to avoid people languishing on a long wait list.  There have been little accountability measures to assess how many wait on lists, for how long, and perhaps get nothing and move out of one county to become another county's 'housing market' 'problem' providing affordable housing.  The displacement happens too slowly and no one puts in the time to gather the data while keeping identities of individuals confidential. That leaves only 'I have a friend' -type anonymous anecdotes driving policy in IRL and social media public discourse more than action making the subject of affordable housing fraught with conflict (drama) that people avoid.   


  Perhaps Marc Elrich's 2006 and 2019 suggestions, amplified on twitter by @301lezginka formerly @MoCoMillenial, for producing and retaining more affordable housing units could be improved by keeping a price cap on condo conversions of apartments built before a certain year (1960?) (like MPDU resales).   An environmental solution to paving the bigger driveways, that could result from adding ADUs in single family detached houses has an easy 'tool' in the 'toolbox' as well.  Require the paving of the driveways with permeable pavement like the parking lot of the Vienna, Virginia community center.  If one has already given up car ownership to avoid living in a car unhoused or long commutes from more affordable 'housing markets' in other jurisdictions the traffic and stormwater runoff 'problems' from unrelated people living together in one single family house are solved without government action.  Homeowners wishing to build an ADU could travel from MoCo to the Vienna community center to learn about permeable pavement as an option, perhaps a requirement, before construction.   

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Before cancelling the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders completely (creative destruction) seek common ground of who pays for LTSS in HCBS even with deplorables



   The authors of the controversial JADD study might be able to afford to contribute to ABLE accounts to shelter assets for their severely disabled autistic children.   The parents in the antivaxxer and curebie communities the authors identify with might not be able to contribute to ABLE accounts to shelter assets.  The pace of change demanded by the folks who the curebies and antivaxxers consider a loud vocal minority of activists is too slow to ‘trickle down’ and equitably benefit the children of the curebies.   They’re allies, allying in a problematic way, of ASAN demand during action August 2021 to raise the SSI asset limits in the next covid relief bill.  Or the bigger $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill that the slim Democratic Senate majority (tie breaking Senate vote by VP Kamala Harris) is trying to pass by reconciliation by Oct 2021 to avoid another partial shutdown with another continuing budget resolution.  Costs of raising a child born with zika virus side effects are comparable and/or proportionately reduced by family class privilege and how much an autistic adult can work with or without LTSS, provided in HCBS, in the form of employment supports that might not even need transferring out of an FLSA exempt subminimum wage workplace.  

Neurodiversity self-advocates are threatening to cancel a fourth autism community knowledge source the Journal of Autism and DD


 Updated Sept 25, 2021 to correct an error.  Herwig Czech is living. He did not die in 1991. 


    The inclusion of this sentence


  “Some researchers say the new study has diminished their perception of the journal, which has an impact factor of 3.047. (A journal’s impact factor reflects how often its articles are cited.)…”


 in this article is simply a threat to the business future of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.  If JADD doesn’t retract the article, disclose the conflicts of interest or print a study from a CBPR-informed researcher like those at aaspire.org  then the JADD will be as dismissed as not a ‘credible’ source of autism information.  

  The phrase “some say” without attribution has been used to manufacture consensus where none exists by Fox News channel

Ideas favorable to Fox's slant are introduced by the words "some say." In journalism, those words can be fairly used to protect unnamed sources. On Fox, as Greenwald shows, they're used to inject opinion and spin under cover of reporting an existing phenomenon: "Some say Kerry looks French."

 as described in the film Outfoxed.   

  The work of Dr Hans Asperger have been dismissed by shunning as a ‘nazi sympathizer' since 2016 simply for not including unrelated girls Herta and Elizabeth Schreiber in clinical research as female gender identity representation. Instead Dr Asperger made the tragically wrong choice of following her parents' nazi sympathies and committing them to their eventual murder by induced pneumonia at the Am Spiegelgrund T4 execution center in Vienna.  Austria was illegally occupied and annexed by nazi Germany international aggression in 1938.  


  New information from a 2016 book "In a Different Key" by John Donvan and Caren Zucker excerpted here based on the work of the Herwig Czech was the basis of the total dismissal of Dr. Hans Asperger's research on autism.  

Below are pictures of pgs. 338,340,341 and 528 that are the most relevant to the influence of "In a Different Key" on the 'cancellation'/shunning of Dr. Hans Asperger.



Herwig Czech was researching, in May 2010, what became, by 2016, accepted consensus regarding German nazi collusion and support by Dr Hans Asperger. At the same time DSM 4 was recognizing Asperger's work with a name of an autism variation with more spoken language ability (communication skill) leading to better outcomes at building independent lives in communities of peoples' choosing with the costs privatized instead of socialized.  DSM 5, in May 2013, combined two diagnostic labels, autism and Asperger's Syndrome, into one label Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The book by Donvan and Zucker was released after the July 2016 death of the founder of autism speaks Suzanne Wright (wife of former NBC Universal/GE CEO Robert Wright before Comcast bought out their majority stake in 2010).


 The work of Dr. Tony Attwood has been dismissed as 'not credible' since 2009 for dismissing autistic adults as romantic relationship partners and in 2020 not being able to diagnose his own son and suggesting the link between autism and LGBTQ identities needs more study.  All the words singling out and demonizing the work of Dr. Tony Attwood are verbose ways of simply saying "Physician heal thyself." 

   Autism Speaks was the third target for singling out, demonization and delegitimization that neurodiversity-informed self advocates organized the larger autistic community around to center the interests of a narrower autistic constituency. Auti$m $peak$ is a shorthand name, referencing the large amounts of money from the Comcast buyout of the Wright's majority ownership stake in NBC/Universal, that distorted public discourse about how to help all autistic children and adults.  The narrower constituency, with the most intense needs for LTSS in HCBS, were revealed after the concerns of the neurodiversity and self-advocacy movements were not addressed in the March 2020 CARES act covid relief law with these advocacy demands, framed as universal human rights, attributed to the neurodiversity and autistic self-advocacy movements.  
  Only activists, self-advocates and disabled journalists covering disability ‘succeed’ from this ‘one strike and you’re out’ weaponized outrage also called ‘cancel culture.’  The basis of the ‘cancellations’ are new information that younger people can more easily form their views around than older people can change their views that are informed with a more long term perspective from more lived experience.   The pace of progressive and equitable social change of inclusion and acceptance for actually all autistics will be as slow as the pace of acceptance for individuals living with mental illness since the consumer-survivor movement catalyzed around the book On Our Own by the late Judy Chamberlin after the mental hygiene movement catalyzed around Clifford Beers was taken over by eugenics movement supporters and led to creating institutions for people with what’s now called intellectual disability.


   A growing number of jobs in activism and disabled journalists covering disability will result.  Movement progress toward its stated goals of acceptance for all autistics will still be hard to measure because  the inequities will be concealed with ‘respect for confidentiality’ except for a public figure here and there for the self-advocacy community to advocate the interests of only a more intense needs constituency.  Activism in the past has coalesced around stories of particularly harmed individuals with self-advocates  organizing  around the memory of Olmstead plaintiffs LC and EW and for the benefit of Zakh Price, Kayleb Moon-Robinson for the KASSA.  Also the court case brought by Margaret ‘Jenny’ Hatch for supported decision making instead of guardianship.  And Henry Frost for an inclusion aide at his Hillsborough County, FL neighborhood school.  Jennifer Msumba and Andre McCollins to stop the Rotenberg Center shocks and Britney Spears for more guardianship reform by ending conservatorships were three more individuals organizers built activism around.  Many others will be left behind with their confidentiality ‘respected’ and individuals denying they were harmed by bad public policy with the ‘speak for yourself’ and ‘nothing about us without us’ culture of consensus-building.  


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

But wait, let me explain what I mean by 'inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit'



I posted these tweets on my other account




where I wrote, quoting a tweet that led to the block by @slooterman, "co-signs tweet that explains, in summary, how #neurodiversity uses inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit of ppl with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. More at 2 posts I wrote" 




 where I wrote: "Fixed it. Sara Luterman blocked me for disagreement. She handles disagreement abt autistic politics as badly as Mark Bernkopf of aagw. net described here [link on this blog entitled "autistics speaking day speaking truth to aagw. net leadership power] with a screen shot of @slooterman quoting a @thinkingautism tweet with the text "Co-signed." 


The @thinkingautism tweet read "Please know that if your autistic or disability pride efforts distance yourself from our community members with intellectual or cognitive disabilities... ... then we will not be sharing your #disability or #autistic pride efforts. #neurodiversity


 This tweet I posted



quoting a tweet where @thinkingautism wrote, probably soliciting replies to produce more content based on (reader) community engagement, on the "Thinking Person's Guide to Autism" site created by Landon Bryce as disclosed in the film Citizen Autistic:

"#AskingAutistics Do you have a hard time containing potentially hurtful language when escalated or agitated? Are there any strategies that have worked for you to avoid this, or is it usually due to preventable triggers, or...? Thank in advance #autism". 


 with a screenshot of @slooterman reply where I wrote "this thread is one of the #fails of Sara Luterman's imperfect system. 

 @slooterman wrote "Yes I've gotten pretty good at managing my anger and recognizing when I shouldn't be around other people, but it's not a perfect system." 

@slooterman is a good disabled journalist covering disability at the19thnews and radio lab also with clips posted at The Nation, The Atlantic and American Prospect.  She wrote a good substack in the time I subscribed to it from May 2020 until she deleted it in August 2021 to work on writing in other places.  Substack also had problems with paying advances to some writers who expressed objectionable opinions about gender identity and expression that was feared to persist after a merger with an Australian company Letter.   If one had subscribed I recommend saving the emails of each post.  They are the only archive left after the deletion from substack. 

ABLE Act was classist even its supporters demand raising SSI means test 7 years later



I posted this tweet 



on May 2, 2019 in reply to a thread that started in 2014 about scrapping the FICA cap to improve both Social Security and the SSI and SSDI trust funds to keep them solvent.  The controllers of 2 accounts in the thread, @mooncatadams and @autsomesmiles whom I have met IRL, have since blocked my account.  @autsomesmiles unblocked my account as of an August 25, 2021 profile view. 



The tweet shared a post on this blog  and the text

 "ABLE act only helped SSI beneficiaries if they had rich family or friends to pay into account. @autsomesmiles told me in 2012 picketing autism speaks ppl could get mini-grants for ABLE accts."  

  An August 24, 2021 blast email from ASAN had, among various asks to write, call by voice or volunteer proxy caller, members of Congress and Senators during recess month to raise the asset limit for SSI 7 years after the ABLE act created accounts to shelter assets from the means test.  It apparently was a good assumption to assume #PwDs are frequently living in poverty and their families are too poor to contribute to ABLE accounts after spending their own money to compensate for inadequate LTSS funding at all levels of government.  Even the Autistic Women and POC fund fiscally-sponsored by the Autism Women and Nonbinary Network cannot keep up with meeting grant requests. They have had to limit applications to exclude parents of autistics and restricted grants to only autistics applying for their own needs. 


  Perhaps my 2019 tweet that led to 2 blocks, one still in place, was accurate over the long term. The blocks were a result of the person administering the blocking account possibly covering feelings of being 'butthurt' with tone-policing bluntness.  The blocking person incorrectly perceived bluntness as 'lack of tact/politeness/respect' and refusing to interact with a person.     

One of the replies by @mooncatadams from June 7, 2014 I can still view from a screenshot taken before the block read replying to @NextNewDeal @Sarah_Reynolds and @DaleF3:

"I know, some autistic ppl I know get SSI, and they barely eke by, living with parents or some such."

Even blocking account @mooncatadams knew the correlation and causation of living in poverty with a disability. 

After the 2016 election the account @Sarah_Reynolds changed partisanship and supported Republican policies of ex-President Trump and continues to support covid19 vaccine hesitancy and opposition to mask and vaccine mandates to obstruct Pres Biden and the small Democratic majorities to help Republicans in future elections.