Saturday, August 28, 2021

Before cancelling the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders completely (creative destruction) seek common ground of who pays for LTSS in HCBS even with deplorables



   The authors of the controversial JADD study might be able to afford to contribute to ABLE accounts to shelter assets for their severely disabled autistic children.   The parents in the antivaxxer and curebie communities the authors identify with might not be able to contribute to ABLE accounts to shelter assets.  The pace of change demanded by the folks who the curebies and antivaxxers consider a loud vocal minority of activists is too slow to ‘trickle down’ and equitably benefit the children of the curebies.   They’re allies, allying in a problematic way, of ASAN demand during action August 2021 to raise the SSI asset limits in the next covid relief bill.  Or the bigger $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill that the slim Democratic Senate majority (tie breaking Senate vote by VP Kamala Harris) is trying to pass by reconciliation by Oct 2021 to avoid another partial shutdown with another continuing budget resolution.  Costs of raising a child born with zika virus side effects are comparable and/or proportionately reduced by family class privilege and how much an autistic adult can work with or without LTSS, provided in HCBS, in the form of employment supports that might not even need transferring out of an FLSA exempt subminimum wage workplace.  

Neurodiversity self-advocates are threatening to cancel a fourth autism community knowledge source the Journal of Autism and DD


 Updated Sept 25, 2021 to correct an error.  Herwig Czech is living. He did not die in 1991. 


    The inclusion of this sentence


  “Some researchers say the new study has diminished their perception of the journal, which has an impact factor of 3.047. (A journal’s impact factor reflects how often its articles are cited.)…”


 in this article is simply a threat to the business future of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.  If JADD doesn’t retract the article, disclose the conflicts of interest or print a study from a CBPR-informed researcher like those at  then the JADD will be as dismissed as not a ‘credible’ source of autism information.  

  The phrase “some say” without attribution has been used to manufacture consensus where none exists by Fox News channel

Ideas favorable to Fox's slant are introduced by the words "some say." In journalism, those words can be fairly used to protect unnamed sources. On Fox, as Greenwald shows, they're used to inject opinion and spin under cover of reporting an existing phenomenon: "Some say Kerry looks French."

 as described in the film Outfoxed.   

  The work of Dr Hans Asperger have been dismissed by shunning as a ‘nazi sympathizer' since 2016 simply for not including unrelated girls Herta and Elizabeth Schreiber in clinical research as female gender identity representation. Instead Dr Asperger made the tragically wrong choice of following her parents' nazi sympathies and committing them to their eventual murder by induced pneumonia at the Am Spiegelgrund T4 execution center in Vienna.  Austria was illegally occupied and annexed by nazi Germany international aggression in 1938.  


  New information from a 2016 book "In a Different Key" by John Donvan and Caren Zucker excerpted here based on the work of the Herwig Czech was the basis of the total dismissal of Dr. Hans Asperger's research on autism.  

Below are pictures of pgs. 338,340,341 and 528 that are the most relevant to the influence of "In a Different Key" on the 'cancellation'/shunning of Dr. Hans Asperger.



Herwig Czech was researching, in May 2010, what became, by 2016, accepted consensus regarding German nazi collusion and support by Dr Hans Asperger. At the same time DSM 4 was recognizing Asperger's work with a name of an autism variation with more spoken language ability (communication skill) leading to better outcomes at building independent lives in communities of peoples' choosing with the costs privatized instead of socialized.  DSM 5, in May 2013, combined two diagnostic labels, autism and Asperger's Syndrome, into one label Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The book by Donvan and Zucker was released after the July 2016 death of the founder of autism speaks Suzanne Wright (wife of former NBC Universal/GE CEO Robert Wright before Comcast bought out their majority stake in 2010).


 The work of Dr. Tony Attwood has been dismissed as 'not credible' since 2009 for dismissing autistic adults as romantic relationship partners and in 2020 not being able to diagnose his own son and suggesting the link between autism and LGBTQ identities needs more study.  All the words singling out and demonizing the work of Dr. Tony Attwood are verbose ways of simply saying "Physician heal thyself." 

   Autism Speaks was the third target for singling out, demonization and delegitimization that neurodiversity-informed self advocates organized the larger autistic community around to center the interests of a narrower autistic constituency. Auti$m $peak$ is a shorthand name, referencing the large amounts of money from the Comcast buyout of the Wright's majority ownership stake in NBC/Universal, that distorted public discourse about how to help all autistic children and adults.  The narrower constituency, with the most intense needs for LTSS in HCBS, were revealed after the concerns of the neurodiversity and self-advocacy movements were not addressed in the March 2020 CARES act covid relief law with these advocacy demands, framed as universal human rights, attributed to the neurodiversity and autistic self-advocacy movements.  
  Only activists, self-advocates and disabled journalists covering disability ‘succeed’ from this ‘one strike and you’re out’ weaponized outrage also called ‘cancel culture.’  The basis of the ‘cancellations’ are new information that younger people can more easily form their views around than older people can change their views that are informed with a more long term perspective from more lived experience.   The pace of progressive and equitable social change of inclusion and acceptance for actually all autistics will be as slow as the pace of acceptance for individuals living with mental illness since the consumer-survivor movement catalyzed around the book On Our Own by the late Judy Chamberlin after the mental hygiene movement catalyzed around Clifford Beers was taken over by eugenics movement supporters and led to creating institutions for people with what’s now called intellectual disability.


   A growing number of jobs in activism and disabled journalists covering disability will result.  Movement progress toward its stated goals of acceptance for all autistics will still be hard to measure because  the inequities will be concealed with ‘respect for confidentiality’ except for a public figure here and there for the self-advocacy community to advocate the interests of only a more intense needs constituency.  Activism in the past has coalesced around stories of particularly harmed individuals with self-advocates  organizing  around the memory of Olmstead plaintiffs LC and EW and for the benefit of Zakh Price, Kayleb Moon-Robinson for the KASSA.  Also the court case brought by Margaret ‘Jenny’ Hatch for supported decision making instead of guardianship.  And Henry Frost for an inclusion aide at his Hillsborough County, FL neighborhood school.  Jennifer Msumba and Andre McCollins to stop the Rotenberg Center shocks and Britney Spears for more guardianship reform by ending conservatorships were three more individuals organizers built activism around.  Many others will be left behind with their confidentiality ‘respected’ and individuals denying they were harmed by bad public policy with the ‘speak for yourself’ and ‘nothing about us without us’ culture of consensus-building.  


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

But wait, let me explain what I mean by 'inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit'



I posted these tweets on my other account


where I wrote, quoting a tweet that led to the block by @slooterman, "co-signs tweet that explains, in summary, how #neurodiversity uses inclusive rhetoric for exclusive benefit of ppl with intellectual and cognitive disabilities. More at 2 posts I wrote"

 where I wrote: "Fixed it. Sara Luterman blocked me for disagreement. She handles disagreement abt autistic politics as badly as Mark Bernkopf of aagw. net described here [link on this blog entitled "autistics speaking day speaking truth to aagw. net leadership power] with a screen shot of @slooterman quoting a @thinkingautism tweet with the text "Co-signed." 


The @thinkingautism tweet read "Please know that if your autistic or disability pride efforts distance yourself from our community members with intellectual or cognitive disabilities... ... then we will not be sharing your #disability or #autistic pride efforts. #neurodiversity


 This tweet I posted


quoting a tweet where @thinkingautism wrote, probably soliciting replies to produce more content based on (reader) community engagement, on the "Thinking Person's Guide to Autism" site created by Landon Bryce as disclosed in the film Citizen Autistic:

"#AskingAutistics Do you have a hard time containing potentially hurtful language when escalated or agitated? Are there any strategies that have worked for you to avoid this, or is it usually due to preventable triggers, or...? Thank in advance #autism". 


 with a screenshot of @slooterman reply where I wrote "this thread is one of the #fails of Sara Luterman's imperfect system. 

 @slooterman wrote "Yes I've gotten pretty good at managing my anger and recognizing when I shouldn't be around other people, but it's not a perfect system." 

@slooterman is a good disabled journalist covering disability at the19thnews and radio lab also with clips posted at The Nation, The Atlantic and American Prospect.  She wrote a good substack in the time I subscribed to it from May 2020 until she deleted it in August 2021 to work on writing in other places.  Substack also had problems with paying advances to some writers who expressed objectionable opinions about gender identity and expression that was feared to persist after a merger with an Australian company Letter.   If one had subscribed I recommend saving the emails of each post.  They are the only archive left after the deletion from substack. 

ABLE Act was classist even its supporters demand raising SSI means test 7 years later



I posted this tweet 

on May 2, 2019 in reply to a thread that started in 2014 about scrapping the FICA cap to improve both Social Security and the SSI and SSDI trust funds to keep them solvent.  The controllers of 2 accounts in the thread, @mooncatadams and @autsomesmiles whom I have met IRL, have since blocked my account.  @autsomesmiles unblocked my account as of an August 25, 2021 profile view. 



The tweet shared a post on this blog  and the text

 "ABLE act only helped SSI beneficiaries if they had rich family or friends to pay into account. @autsomesmiles told me in 2012 picketing autism speaks ppl could get mini-grants for ABLE accts."  

  An August 24, 2021 blast email from ASAN had, among various asks to write, call by voice or volunteer proxy caller, members of Congress and Senators during recess month to raise the asset limit for SSI 7 years after the ABLE act created accounts to shelter assets from the means test.  It apparently was a good assumption to assume #PwDs are frequently living in poverty and their families are too poor to contribute to ABLE accounts after spending their own money to compensate for inadequate LTSS funding at all levels of government.  Even the Autistic Women and POC fund fiscally-sponsored by the Autism Women and Nonbinary Network cannot keep up with meeting grant requests. They have had to limit applications to exclude parents of autistics and restricted grants to only autistics applying for their own needs. 


  Perhaps my 2019 tweet that led to 2 blocks, one still in place, was accurate over the long term. The blocks were a result of the person administering the blocking account possibly covering feelings of being 'butthurt' with tone-policing bluntness.  The blocking person incorrectly perceived bluntness as 'lack of tact/politeness/respect' and refusing to interact with a person.     

One of the replies by @mooncatadams from June 7, 2014 I can still view from a screenshot taken before the block read replying to @NextNewDeal @Sarah_Reynolds and @DaleF3:

"I know, some autistic ppl I know get SSI, and they barely eke by, living with parents or some such."

Even blocking account @mooncatadams knew the correlation and causation of living in poverty with a disability. 

After the 2016 election the account @Sarah_Reynolds changed partisanship and supported Republican policies of ex-President Trump and continues to support covid19 vaccine hesitancy and opposition to mask and vaccine mandates to obstruct Pres Biden and the small Democratic majorities to help Republicans in future elections.